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The Importance of a Well Designed Website

Lots of people will tell you that ‘content is key’ when it comes to your website – and its overall success. They’d be right, you know. What about the appearance of your site, though; surely that’s vital too?

At iam39, we think aesthetics are just as important. Of course, we would say that. Web design is what we do, after all. We’re sure you’ll agree with us, though, as many of us are guilty of judging a book (or a website) by its cover from time to time.

To help cement the fact that a well designed website will boost the success of your site, we’ve laid out some reasons why it makes sense to spruce up your online home. Read on…

It Helps Build Trust

Picture this: a website with dated, multicoloured fonts, blurry images and more than a handful of annoying ‘pop-ups’. If you were on that site for real, would you want to go any further? We mean that literally and figuratively.

You wouldn’t want to spend more time browsing the site any more than you’d feel confident to do business with the person who’s responsible for it.

A great-looking website builds trust; it’s as simple as that. Put some time into how your website looks – the design and the content – and we promise prospective customers will stick around for longer.

It’ll Ensure Your Website is Easy to Find on Google

Ah, Search Engine Optimisation. Or SEO. You’ve probably heard about it quite a bit, especially if you’re a fledgling business looking to set up a site from scratch.

By using the right key words – in short, the words people are using on Google to find your site and sites like yours – you’ll be giving yourself (and your business) the best shot of appearing higher on search engines.

A great web developer won’t just bear SEO in mind, he or she will design you a site that features all the elements and web design features needed to help your site appear front and centre online.

Put some time into finding a web developer who will help you stand out on Google, and you’ll be doing your business a huge favour.

It Shows You Care About Your Customers

Business owners who put time and thought into their website don’t just care about making sales, they care about their customers – and they want them to have a smooth and stress-free experience online.

Outstanding customer service is vital when you’re a business owner, so why not start as you mean to go on, with a site that puts your customers first? You can do this by collaborating with a web developer like me; I’ll ensure your site contains all the information prospective clients are looking for.

I’ll also make sure your site looks good – and stands head and shoulders above your competitors’ sites.

Ready to hear more about the importance of a well-designed website? Get in touch today and I’d love to tell you how I can help you and your business.

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